Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Can a fight between a tall model like woman and several men be made realistic?

I'm preparing for a role in a small budget independent film. I play a
business woman sent to straighten out a well site/base for a large Oil
and Gas company.

The back story is that I'm there to demand production and will be
firing many of the rig hands. An arguement starts and many of the rig
hands start a fight with me. The fight starts outside the rig in the
snow as I'm walking away to a hellipad after firing many rig hands at
a town meeting. I'm attacked by three middle aged man in the snow.
It's suppose to be a very brutal fight where I'm tackled and thrown
into the snow, against equipment, and very beaten with a lot of blood.
However, in the end I'm suppose to win the fight and humiliate the
three men by beating them convincingly in front of their friends,
children, and wives. My question is how I can make the fight brutal
and still as realistic as possible. There should be a lot of blood,
broken bones, and absolutely no martial arts.

The back story on my character is that I'm an high level executive
that is also an extremely trained athlete. I'm about 5'11'' and am
suppose to be an imposing figure though I'm model thin at only 135lbs.
Though the scene will be filmed in the snow, I'll be in a black
business dress suit and in heels. I'm about 6'3'' in the rediculously
high heels they're asking me to wear so I should look very imposing on

How can I put together a 8 minute fight scene that would be realistic.
Would it be hard to make a fight between an extremely in shape woman
in her late twenties and three out of shape but extremely large men in
their 40's realistic?

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