Saturday, July 2, 2011

What is this tv show?

So I don't know the name or the title or what channel it was on...but
the episode I watched (probably BBC) was about this Queen of the
Dragons whose husband is cursed to die. She makes a deal with this
evil sorceress who is all, "Alright, but if he lives, someone else has
to die." The Queen agrees, not knowing she's pregnant. The baby dies,
the husband lives, but is in a coma. The Queen eventually smothers
him, puts his body on a funeral pyre, ties the sorceress to the pile,
throws a bunch of dragon eggs on it as well, lights it, and steps into
the fire. The next morning, she's untouched, but the dragon eggs have

I know, a plot summary isn't really much to go on...but has anyone
seen it anyway?

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